Credit Cards

There have been many bad inventions in America over the last 50 years, however none have left such a negative impact as credit cards. How ingenious they are, yet how horrible they can be. This statement literally describes the effect of Credit cards on the American people.

Personally I think they are dangerous and I don’t even have mine yet. My dad constantly tells me to use my debit card for as long as I can. I know eventually one day I will have to get one so i can hopefully obtain a good credit score and be able to take out loans for a car and a house. However, to that day comes I will gladly take my dads advice and use cash or my debit card.

Let me clear things up. The problem doesn’t rely within the credit cards themselves, but with the people that use them. Arguably though, the convenience and power behind a simple swipe of the card doesn’t make it less attractive to use. All in all it would take an ignorant human being to blame their credit card debt on the credit card itself.

What people need to realize is how easy it is to use credit card when making purchases. Unlike with debit cards, there is no limit and within a matter of time you will start using money you don’t even have. Credit cards have too much power for some people to handle, and unfortunately it can be extremely dangerous if used incorrectly and unwisely.What makes things worse is many Americans own more than one credit card, which means they bury themselves in even more debt.

Another negative effect of credit cards are their vulnerability. It is so easy for someone to steal you credit card information and even your identity. Identity theft is a rising problem in American society today and it’s getting harder and harder to dodge.

Credit cards are extremely helpful and are viable replacement to carrying large amounts of cash. If Americans are smart and make good conscious decisions, credit cards will never be a problem. Unfortunately we don’t live in an imaginary world, so that will never happen.

Drug Abuse and Drug Overdose

One of the biggest problems with American society is drug abuse, which often leads to drug overdose. The amount of people dying from drug overdose each year in the United States is insanely high. According to the CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 114 people die from drug overdose and over 6,700 people are sent to emergency departments every day (Prescription Drug Overdose in the United States: Fact Sheet). This is ridiculous since most of the time taking drugs is a conscious decision made. How stupid are people!

Drug abuse is becoming too much of a problem in America, as the number of people dying and committing crimes are peaking. How can America compete in the world when their own people are out of control? Either people need to get their life together or serious actions need to be taken. Personally I think cops need to increase their surveillance because the amount of drugs circulating right now in America is dangerously high. Lethal drugs like heroin and cocaine are popping up in areas that had never seen such drugs.

Why do people take drugs? Maybe people take drugs to feel better about themselves. Others may want to relive stress in their life. I guess in these circumstances drugs are a viable option. However, people could be reasonable and seek help from other people, or do something productive that will not run the risk of killing them. People need to realize that drugs are not the only option for happiness and a more fulfilling life.

Drugs are also extremely addictive making them a more severe problem. People become so addicted that they start abusing drugs in large quantities. This in large part leads to lethal drug injections that often cause people to overdose and die.

If these people could only see into the future of what drugs will do to their life, they would never start taking them. Drug abusers just need a mentor or positive role model that can help lead them down a path of a more fulfilling life.


“Prescription Drug Overdose in the United States: Fact Sheet”. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 17 October 2014.

College and Student Debt

College in general is essential to the growth and expansion of American Society. That being said the whole process and setup of college is naturally flawed. Obviously the result of graduating from college with a degree in your field of study can be rewarding, it can also be hell. Yes hell!

With college tuition skyrocketing, student debt has called shotgun. That’s right! Student debt is at an all time high, surpassing credit car, mortgage and auto debt. You know its bad when something is worse than American credit card spending.

Yes, college is important and I would never say it is not worth it. However, I would definitely say college is not the only option for high school graduates. Honestly as a freshman in college myself, I feel like I’m still in high school with added freedom. The classes are a little harder, but I’m still forced to take pointless classes that have will ultimately have no impact on my life. I just had four years of this, I didn’t come to college for an extension of high school. Rather I applied to college with the intent on elevating and expanding my knowledge base with brand new learning.

Brace yourself for the harsh reality, a college degree is not the only option anymore. It is in fact a very good thing to have because most employers require it, but here in America anyone can be their own boss. Currently in America, business is soaring as Americans are rapidly starting their own companies. Some of them with college degrees, others with not even a high school degree. Anyone with an idea can expand it into their business and if it is good enough they can make thousands to millions of dollars.

Another “consequence” to going to college is not being able to find a job after you graduate. Wait that doesn’t make any sense. Students cannot possibly go into thousands and thousands of dollars in debt only to not land a job in their field of study. Well that’s okay because they can just work at McDonald’s and never pay off their debt, or retire at 80 years old.

College is crucial in American society, but should it be our only option?

Gasoline Consumption

Everyday millions of Americans drive to work every day. Little do they know all the negative effects and impacts it has on our society.

First off the use of gasoline is horrible for the environment. To make things worse is how much gasoline Americans use in a year. Most people today are filling up their car or truck at least once a week, a rate that is extremely dangerous for the environment. Every time we start up our vehicles we are contributing to Global Warming because our they emit harmful greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. After a while these harmful gasses that have been stored in our atmosphere start to break up the ozone layer. This is very bad because the ozone layer is very important in protecting us from harmful radiation from the sun’s rays. The ozone layer also helps to regulate and keep our climate stable. A depletion in it ultimately leads to a much warmer climate, posing threats to several ecosystems and the animals within them.

Another problem with an increase in gasoline consumption is a faster exhaustion of it because gasoline is a fossil fuel. Gasoline is a nonrenewable resource and eventually America and the world will have no more left. This will severely affect the global economy, especially that of the Middle East. America is in dire need of an alternative fuel to replace gasoline so are future generations don’t get screwed. Natural gas, coal, ethanol, and algae are all viable alternatives we should consider.

Lastly an increase in gasoline consumption most likely means more and more Americans are relying on cars for transportation. Even if they are only going very short distances they will take a car instead of walking, running, or biking. Americans are way too lazy these days and its becoming a very big problem as obesity rates are skyrocketing.

Excessive Use of Technology

I just want to come out and say that technology is good and that America needs it to compete as a nation. However, I don’t agree with the degree in which kids and adults abuse them. There becomes a point when enough is literally enough.

Technology is obviously a necessity when talking about improving our economy and making the everyday lives of people less challenging and complicated. In spite of this, technology is also one of America’s greatest downfalls as well. With so much power in the palm of our hands, Americans subconsciously ask themselves several questions throughout their daily routine.Why read a book when I can watch t.v?  Why study when I can look up answers on your phone and cheat? Why not text somebody when I’m driving if my phone is right next to me? Why not spend all day starring mindlessly at my phone looking at social media?

The real question is, why waste your life away when you can do something actually productive? In reality technology is constantly making Americans more and more lazy. The rate of childhood obesity is increasing at extreme rates because kids are no longer interested in playing outside when they can play their video games inside. This to me is truly sad because as a kid, all I wanted to do was go outside. A good example portraying this image is the movie Grown Ups. Even though its a beautiful day outside at the camp, all the kids stay inside playing on their phones and watching t.v. because that is what they have grown to know.

Another big issue with technology is texting when driving. Every year too many Americans are dying because people are so stupid and use their phone instead of paying attention to the road. I know people are more at fault for this horrendous statistic, but it is because they are using technology.

Technology is very important, but unless it is used properly it can turn into a massive problem.


America, a nation once called “the land of the free, and the home of the brave”, has sadly turned into the land of the unemployed, and the home of the impoverished. Unfortunately America’s economy is not what it used to be and our society is suffering because of it.

Remember when a job used to mean something? If we went back in time to America ten years ago we can see a prosperous economy with a low unemployment rate and stable prices. More importantly back then getting a job meant you were set for life until you wanted to retire. Now a days Americans have to go through hell to find a job and then go to work everyday holding their breath and praying that they still have it when they get home. What ever happened to job security in America? Americans are more stressed and under more pressure than ever, which leads to lower productiveness and a higher suicide rate. Unfortunately many of these people that are suffering from this monumental issue have to watch their kids go through it.

Another problem that arises from our poor economy is discouraged college students. Kids grow up learning that to succeed in life they must get a good education by going to college. This education they are told will then eventually turn into a career that they can depend on. However, they quickly find out that they have been lied to their whole life because jobs are so hard to find today. Still these kids go to college because that is what will help them succeed in life. Reality is these kids succeed in burying themselves in thousands and thousands of dollars in debt, with no job offer in the near future. Instead of getting a job based on their college degree, they finally give in and take a job at their local McDonalds because they have to pay off their student loans.

The sad truth is that America cannot move forward in the world when our economy is moving backwards!

Role Models

Every day people turn on their T.V.s to watch their favorite actor/actress, or favorite athlete. People expect to see a great performance whether its on a show or during a sports game by this person. What people don’t think about is their “idol’s” performance outside the environment they have come to love them in. These professionals on T.V. should also be professional outside their profession that most people see them in. In fact these actors/actresses and athletes should be held to a higher standard  because so many of us look up to them as role models.

Unfortunately all we hear about is all horrendous stuff that these stars are doing outside of T.V. The list ranges from drug abuse, to drinking addictions, to domestic violence. Two people that recently fall under the domestic abuse category are Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson; both of which are running backs in the NFL. The million dollar question is why would these to elite football players commit such heinous crimes to people they are supposed to love.

The first of these two athletes to get into trouble was Ray Rice. About a month ago a video was released of him dragging his wife out of an elevator at their hotel. It is later released that Ray beat his wife unconscious over a verbal dispute. Are you kidding me! This is just absolutely ridiculous. To think of all the people he hurt; his family, his friends, his teammates, his fans, and the people that look up to him as a role model. Quite a role model he is. He deserves to get banned from the NFL indefinitely because he is not only a disgrace to the league by a complete disgrace to our society.

Right when things couldn’t get any worse Adrian Peterson is in the news for spanking his son. My first thought was “come on that’s just parenting”, but then I found out what actually happened. Adrian Peterson spanked his son in public with a tree branch. As soon as this hit national news Adrian Peterson, like Ray Rice, was dropped from his team. What I don’t understand is that he committed this awful crime to the person he chose to bring into this world. Adrian Peterson, a role model to millions, is just another disgrace.

Role models is what helps people get through their day. How are these people supposed to keep moving when the person they look up to is a dishonor to society!


Music is an art form, therefore it is completely subjective, and there really is no right or wrong. So feel free to disagree with me, but I think that today’s music isn’t anywhere near the quality that it used to be. When music was first beginning to become more contemporary, it was being made simply for the love of it. Take “Hey Jude” by The Beatles, for example. This song, along with most of The Beatles’ discography, was an instant hit. But it was a meaningful song with a message, and that’s why it is still listened to today. True music is timeless, and the majority of today’s hits are watered down melodies with the same degrading message, which is mainly materialism.

Most people my age are really into hip-hop/rap. Don’t get me wrong, I love rap music, but only to a certain extent. Most of the stuff on the radio stations have at least some rap elements to them, but the message is missing. In the eighties and nineties, what is known as “the hip hop golden age”, there was a strong message to the music. The message was about rising above all the negativity in the world, and about having a positive impact. The style of hip hop today is nowhere near what it used to be; in my opinion, it shouldn’t even be called hip-hop anymore. Today’s rap music is stagnant and dry, with the same basic topics. These themes are shallow. Most “rappers” stick to the topics of drugs, money, and pardon my language, the hoes.

Music has become an industry these days, rather than an art. It is ruled by corrupt record companies, and the majority of listeners of modern music are young kids without much musical knowledge. Music needs to move back towards it roots, and record companies need to change their view. There is still good music out there, you just have to look a little harder to find it. But the majority of today’s hits are sending out the wrong messages to people who are easily influenced. We need groups like The Beatles and the Rolling Stones. We need rappers like Nas and Common. Instead, we have artists like Chief Kief, who do nothing but spread corruption.


Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Keeping up with the Joneses,”? Today’s equivalent, I think, would be something along the lines of “Keeping up with the Kardashians”. In the 1950’s, the United States was thriving, and was at the beginning of a new part in history. The U.S. had just won World War II, and the Cold War with the Soviet Union was starting to heat up. No one wanted to be viewed as a communist, and soon conformity was the trend of the nation.

People no longer wanted to stand out, but instead wanted to fit in. Since the 50’s, this trend of conformity has gotten stronger, to the point of mindless following. I notice that a lot of people are more concerned in acting how they think other people want them to be, rather than following their own heart and mind. This has led to problems in our country, and probably will continue to do so in the future.

Take global warming, for example. We have known for a long time that pollution is a serious issue, and that it is leading to irreversible change to our climate. But if everyone doesn’t really care that much, why should I, right? More action is being taken now that we really see the cold hard facts, but people still shrug it off because they see other people doing it. I remember hearing a story about a murder where no one called the police, because they all assumed someone else would. Can you see the parallels?

A major problem that I see in today’s society is the level of conformity. Everyone wants to fit in, yes, but there needs to be a limit to that mindset. For how can we ever make change and move forward, if we are all constantly trying to be the same?


More than forty-six million Americans live in poverty in the USA.poverty

For a country on the cutting edge of technology and innovation, a leader in healthcare, and an international superpower; nonetheless we seem to have a hard time fixing one of the fundamental national problems; POVERTY!!! The land of opportunity, a dollar and a dream, and “the American dream” are all values that are ingrained in the identity of the US and yet for so many these are not even distant aspirations.

The foundation of American society is based on the idea that you can create a better life for yourself and your family with a little sweat and some hard work. This is simply no longer true. The age of optimism has passed, taken from the working class in the process, and replaced with a hard dose of reality. Moving up the ladder in the US has become increasingly difficult with the widening gap of wealth distribution. Currently less than 1% of the population controls 90% of the wealth. See videos below:

So why is poverty a problem?

Morally it’s a problem because the United States is seen as the land of opportunity, and yet we can not take care of our own people. What I mean by this is that there are way too many people who are struggling just to survive.

Society has a moral obligation to help those who are less fortunate. Secondly, it is economically a problem for many reasons. Our economy relies on consumers to be circulating money, buying and selling, because in this way our economy will be strong and prosperous. If the focus of people is merely survival, then any money they manage to make is going towards just that and not contributing to the economy. In this very way poverty diminishes our economic strength.

Lastly poverty is associated with a higher crime rate and more drug abuse. For obvious reasons this is a not only a moral problem, but an economic one as well. Cutting down on crime and drug use costs money. It is this money that could otherwise be going towards more beneficial things.